Privacy Policy
American Heroes Tribute strives to offer its visitors and approved member Web sites the many advantages of an interactive, yet private online experience. American Heroes Tribute will function in a manner that is reflective of this privacy policy.
Our Commitment To Online Privacy
Your personal privacy is very important to American Heroes Tribute. To better protect your privacy, we provide this privacy policy notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this privacy policy notice easy to find, we make it available in our Web site at every point where personally identifiable information will be requested, (i.e. safe site approval and privacy seal program – registration form).
The Personal Information We Collect
This privacy policy notice applies to all information collected in the American Heroes Tribute Web site. On some pages, you can order services, make requests, file a complaint, and register for safe site approval and privacy seal program participation. The types of personal information collected in these pages are: name, address, email address, phone number, and etc. We do not collect, nor retain, personal financial information, i.e. credit card or personal banking information on any page in this Web site.
We DO NOT collect any personal information from our site visitors and/or Web site clients by way of cookies or beacons, (non-identifying and aggregate information). We DO NOT permit any entity to contact or retrieve personal information from our site visitors and/or privacy seal program participants. We DO NOT release safe site approval & privacy seal program applicant information including any personally identifiable information about you, nor do we allow anyone to identify you individually with information we have collected.
How Your Personal Information Is Used
Personally identifiable information collected by American Heroes Tribute will ONLY be used strictly for the purpose of executing our safe site approval & privacy seal program and service administration, limited only to the application of the Safe Site Approval And Privacy Seal Program from American Heroes Tribute Security, a division of American Heroes Tribute International.
We will use the information you provide about yourself when placing an order or request, only to complete that order or request. We do not share this information with outside parties. We use return email addresses to answer emails we receive. Such email addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties. In rare occasions, we may also disclose personally identifiable information in a response to a court order, or at other times, when we believe we are reasonably required to do so by law. Such disclosures will be made solely in conjunction with requests from law enforcement or like authorities, once deemed such disclosures are legally necessary. Finally, we never use or share personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses, if applicable.
Approved Member Web Sites
You should also be aware that if you voluntarily disclose personally identifiable information on message boards, or in chat areas, for example, originating from our approved member Web sites, this information can be potentially viewed publicly and can be collected and used by third parties without our knowledge or even an approved Web site’s knowledge. This may result in unsolicited messages from other individuals or third parties. Such activities are beyond the control of American Heroes Tribute and this privacy policy, and it is strongly advised you use extreme care and understand applicable privacy policies when visiting third party links – originating from our approved member Web sites, participants in the safe site approval and privacy seal program.
Our Commitment To Data Security
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, maintain e-commerce security, and to ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure any personal information we collect online. All information transmitted to American Heroes Tribute Security remains the property of American Heroes Tribute International and will not be released to third parties. Be advised, that any information submitted to American Heroes Tribute is transmitted through a highly secure server using the latest encryption technology, (minimum 128 bit session encryption) ensuring the use of latest e-commerce security standards.
Our Commitment To Children’s Privacy
Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important to American Heroes Tribute. For that reason, we never collect or maintain personal information at our Web site from those that are under the age of 13. In fact, no part of this Web site is structured or designed to attract anyone under the age of 18.
How You Can Correct Your Personal Information
Personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain can be changed by simply contacting American Heroes Tribute. We use this procedure to better safeguard your filed personal information. You can correct factual errors pertaining to your personally identifiable information by sending us a request that credibly reflects the error(s). To protect the online privacy and e-commerce security of consumers, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before making changes.
Our Online Privacy Guidelines
Please note: American Heroes Tribute is a major international proponent for respecting the online privacy of consumers and is totally dedicated to upholding this stated privacy policy and our ongoing commitment to online privacy and e-commerce security. Please take note of the following:
- We will safeguard, according to our strict standards of e-commerce security and confidentiality, any information our visitors or customers share with us.
- We will limit the collection and use of customer personal information to the minimum required in order to execute our e-commerce security, Web site certification, safe site approval, and privacy seal programs, which may include notifying our clients about privacy seal program updates, etc. and to administer our e-commerce security online operation.
- We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of personal information, to have access to personally identifiable information. In the highly unlikely event an employee violates this privacy policy, he or she will be subject to our normal disciplinary process, which may include termination from employment.
- We will not reveal personally identifiable information to any external organization or agency, unless we have been authorized to do so by the customer.
- We will always maintain control over the confidentiality of personally identifiable information. ONLY if authorized by you, we may facilitate relevant offers from only reputable, honest, and consumer-friendly companies.
- We will communicate with registered member Web sites and site visitors in plain and simple language, at frequencies of least 12 times (or less) annually, or as necessary, in order to execute the safe site approval and privacy seal program.
- Whenever we hire other organizations to provide support services, we will require them to legally accept our privacy policy, online privacy, and e-commerce standards, allowing us to periodically audit them for mandatory compliance.
- We will attempt to keep our client files complete, up to date, and accurate at all times.
How To Contact American Heroes Tribute
Should you have other questions or concerns about this privacy policy notice, or the privacy seal program, please call us at 1.877.983.4376 or send us an email at [email protected]. You can also contact American Heroes Tribute for more contact information. If you are an online consumer and you feel your online privacy or security rights have been violated, please file a complaint.
Privacy Policy – Closing Statement
In closing, we will continuously assess ourselves to ensure that our privacy policy is honored and respected at ALL times. Furthermore, we will conduct our business in a manner that fulfills this privacy policy. If you choose to register into the safe site approval & privacy seal program, or you submit any other form (i.e. file a complaint), your submitted personal information will be kept strictly confidential, at all times. Personal information submitted to us will remain private and will only be used for the purposes of executing our American Heroes Tribute safe site approval & privacy seal program. Your contact information is kept strictly confidential and will be only used solely for fulfilling our Web site certification and site privacy seal program obligations.
All information submitted to American Heroes Tribute will be erased after one year, unless
a) your site seal status is ‘re-activated’ by you or
b) you ‘re-submit’ an applicable form.
Sponsor A Banner
Your sponsorship will cover the cost of a 3′ x 9′ banner for public displays honoring a Fallen Hero and an additional 18″ x 54″ commemorative sized banner for the family of the Fallen Hero.