Frequently Asked Questions
Read through the FAQs and if you still have any questions please contact us.
How much does it cost to sponsor a banner?
Full banner sponsorship is $500, but welcome partial banner sponsorship.
How much of my donation goes to banner sponsorship?
98% of donations go to banner sponsorship and 2% is used for administrative expenses such as website maintenance.
How long does it take to produce a banner?
Once we have received a completed form with photo, normal turn-around is 1 to 2 weeks.
Are banners available for my event?
Please email the specifics about your event and it will be voted on at our next board meeting.
Are there any costs associated with the banners for my event?
The event is responsible for freight costs in both directions and installation of the banners on light poles.
Is there a minimum amount I have to give?
This tribute is open to all. We accept pennies from piggy banks of children, dollars from allowances of teenagers and any amount from adults while looking to the sponsorship and patriotic generosity of corporate America. It is our responsibility to open the door and allow the living to have the opportunity to celebrate and honor those who gave their last breath just as they have honored each of us. Ultimately, it is the participation in this project -somehow pushing it forward – and not the amount given that is most important.
What if my family (business) and I want to sponsor an entire banner?
The donation cost of each banner is $500 and may be purchased by anyone or in memory of anyone. Space permitting, the gifting person, family or organization will have their names printed on the back of the banner next to the American flag image. There may be the possibility of up to two non-related people (families or organizations) sponsoring the same banner.
Are donations tax-deductible?
We are recognized by the Federal Government and the State of California as a non-profit, tax-deductible charitable organization. Our Federal 501 (c)(3) Tax ID # is 20-2227100.
Who arranges the shipping for the banner(s)?
American Heroes Tribute staff plans and coordinates with event organizers to ship the banners. The event pays for the freight in both direction. For local Southern California events we may able to assist with transportation or delivery.
Who actually mounts the banners (and takes them down)?
It is the responsibility of the event to which the banners are loaned to mount and take down the American Heroes Tribute banners.
Can the banners be flown temporarily at other locations, such as churches, community centers, city halls, fire departments, courthouse, etc.?
Anywhere and everywhere. We welcome requests from interested cities and organizations. Since we are currently based in Southern California, there may be shipping and other charges. We would also hope that the community would use their event for the expansion of the banner program by fundraising so that every fallen servicemen and women will eventually be honored with their own banner.
Are there any forms to be filled out? If so, by whom?
There is a simple data-collection form that needs to be filled out by a family member of the fallen hero in order to create a banner for that hero. That form can be found on the REQUEST A TRIBUTE BANNER page. Click Here
Who is responsible for maintaining and repairing the banners?
American Heroes Tribute maintains, repairs and/or replaces banners as necessary. There is never a charge to the family. We make every attempt to keep the banners in pristine condition reflecting great reverence on our Fallen Heroes.
Do you need to be in contact with anyone to coordinate events?
Yes, we will always need a file contact for a banner event. This can be usually handled by telephone and email communications.
Will you provide adequate fliers, brochures, etc., and arrange P.R. if we are doing a special event?
It all depends on the event. We have volunteers to help with execution of public relations and we will do everything we can to get it out the press and the community. We can also help with preparation of fliers and brochures, and may in some cases provide printed materials.
Is the press usually involved? Radio? TV?
We hope so but it depends on the size of the event, the time of day, and someone simply alerting the press to a special banner event. If we are doing an event with lots of banners, say thirty or more, then yes we will make every attempt to engage the press.
How can we help this wonderful project grow?
There are many ways as your spirit leads you. Please ask us or share your creative ideas with us. At this point we need volunteers, fund raising or people just spreading the word. We also need state organizers to assist in raising funding for banners for all the fallen servicemen within their state.
Sponsor A Banner
Your sponsorship will cover the cost of a 3′ x 9′ banner for public displays honoring a Fallen Hero and an additional 18″ x 54″ commemorative sized banner for the family of the Fallen Hero.