Remembering Our Fallen Heroes
This is a passion about our soldiers, Marines, sailors, and airmen, the extraordinary men and women in uniform whose job is to go to war when called to do so. Many serve under conditions of hardship, loneliness, fear and danger – tour after tour, year after year – just doing their job.
What our military professionals do every day, under the most hazardous conditions and without complaint, deserves our unified respect and support as a country. And when they pay the ultimate cost with their precious lives, we need to remember them.
We must celebrate these lives and the preciousness of what they represent. For their sake, for their families and ourselves as Americans, we need to honor them.
To this end, we have established the American Heroes Tribute of banners. It is our goal to celebrate the life of every fallen hero from Iraq and Afghanistan by creating a 3 x 9-foot banner that will display a favorite picture of them, and remembrance information about them, both provided by their family.
On April 24, 2005, our acknowledgment and celebration began with more than 20 banners raised in San Clemente, California, a town with deep military roots. We’ve supported many events at churches, businesses and libraries, including one Presidential Library. We’ve also supported countless City hosted events on Memorial Day and Veterans Day since 2005. Our banners have been displayed at various events in many cities in California and Texas, and as far away as Pennsylvania, Georgia and Florida.
Please contact us if you are interested in displaying American Heroes Tribute banners at your next event or gathering. For smaller gatherings we do have inventory of a number of the Commemorative size banners.
For the fallen! For their families! For the country!

Sponsor A Banner
Your sponsorship will cover the cost of a 3′ x 9′ banner for public displays honoring a Fallen Hero and an additional 18″ x 54″ commemorative sized banner for the family of the Fallen Hero.

Our History
The idea of honoring our fallen heroes with 3′ x 9′ banner came to Grant Bjorn on the Sunday just after Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2004. While attending Christ Lutheran’s “Beach Church” on the sand that Sunday morning the Pastor asked, “What can each person do?”
Later, when speaking with two veterans after the service, the concept of honoring and celebrating each one of our real heroes by displaying individualized banners filled with large photographs placed on light poles came to him and instantly captured his imagination.
A month later after sharing his “concept drawing” with various family members, friends, and acquaintances, he decided to share it with one of his best childhood friends, Robert Pfeiler. Robert was impressed and thrilled and immediately became an enthusiastic and partner. He assisted Grant in pushing the vision to a higher level.
Together Grant and Robert were the simple foundation for our remarkable organization that consists of a seven-member all-volunteer board.
We currently have nearly 400 Large Banners available in our inventory to support events, and we welcome the opportunity to assist you.
For the fallen! For their families! For the country!